Class Requirement Plugin

I whipped up this plugin at the same time that I did the gender requirement plugin but forgot to make a post for it for some reason. Better late than never I suppose.

So, as you may have guessed, the point of this plugin is to provide a very simple way to give weapons and armors a class requirement. This allows you to prevent certain weapons and armors from being equipped by an actor if they aren’t in the specified class.

As it’s currently written, this plugin will only allow each weapon/armor to have 1 class requirement and it’s all done through a simple note tag placed in the note box of your weapons and armors in the database.

Example: <class_req:Id>

Where “Id” corresponds to the numerical ID of an existing class you’ve defined in your game’s database.

That is all.

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Gender Requirement Plugin

It’s been a while but I finished a new plugin today that allows gender restrictions on weapons and armors. It works by allowing you to tag your actors and enemies as either male or female and then you can tag weapons and armors with a gender requirement of male or female in order for your actors and enemies to be able to use them.

Example note tags for the actors/enemies:

<gender:m> or <gender:f>

Example note tags for the weapons/armors:

<gender_req:m> or <gender_req:f>

I also added some java script functions that can be called within note tag ‘Eval’ code or from within event pages to tell you if an actor has been specified to be male or female. While these are fairly simple functions, use of them assumes you know a little something about coding java script so don’t try to use them if you don’t know what you’re doing (I barely do myself).

battler.isMale() and battler.isFemale()

This plugin was inspired by an VX ACE script written by Tsukihime.

So far I have used this plugin in conjunction with Yanfly’s Target Core Plugin to create a Skill used by Succubus and Incubus enemies that will only target foes of the opposite gender. I set the gender of my Succubus enemy to be female and my Incubus to be male. Then in my “Charm” Skill, i defined a custom target scope using a lunatic note tag that takes into account the gender of the user and the gender of the possible targets when deciding who’s going to get hit with the ‘Fascination’ state that’s inflicted by the skill. The end result is that my Succubus will only target male enemies and my Incubus will only target female enemies with this particular skill. They both will still perform normal attacks on either gender.

I suppose there’s other ways I could play around with it but so far it works for what I need it to do. I’m not going to do anything fancy with this like adding the ability to specify more gender options. If anyone wants to play around in it and spruce it up then feel free to do so, just make sure you follow my Terms of Use.

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Terms of Use

I suppose I need to say something about TOU…

Feel free to use any plugins I post here in your free and commercial games.

You are also free to modify these plugins to add new features to fit your personal needs because, honestly, I’m a busy person and can’t guarantee I’ll have time to make these plugins work any differently from how I initially post them.

Credit me as “Blithe”.  I ask that you DO NOT take my unmodified plugins and re-post/redistribute them as your original work on any other website or forum.

Continue reading “Terms of Use”

Ignore Magic Reflection Plugin

I need a magic spell for my game that is capable of removing a magic reflection state from its target. I found out quickly that this isn’t possible by default (or I’m just too dense to figure it out) because the spell kept getting reflected back onto the caster with no effect on the intended target.

I could have created an item that removes the magic reflect state but I really wanted my magic users to be able to do this with their magic so I wrote a plugin that introduces a  note tag that can be used to denote magic spells that should ignore magic reflection traits.

Installing the plugin and then using <ignore_mrf> in the notebox of the magic skill should do the trick. I’m currently testing this in my game to see if any weirdness results.

If nothing else its another excuse for me to play around with javascript. If any unfortunate souls that come across this would like to try it in their games and let me know if you can find a situation where it doesn’t work, I would much appreciate it.

I think it’s fairly obvious but I’ll state it outright in case it’s not. This plugin only allows a spell to power through the magic reflection Ex-Parameter trait. It does not remove any state or do anything else. It only allows the magic skill that uses the <ignore_mrf> tag to not be reflected off the target. What that skill does after it gets past the reflection rate hurdle is up to you my fellow skill creators 🙂

This should be compatible with other scripts (but I make no promises). I would recommend installing this near the bottom of your plugins list if you’re going to try to use it.

Download Here


Escape Penalty Plugin

I wrote a script for RPG Maker VX Ace that added the ability to induce a monetary penalty when the party escapes from a fight. Since I have switched over to using RPG Maker MV, I ported the script over to a plugin.

What it Does:

Allows a Penalty Chance which by default is 50%. So the party has a 50% chance of loosing some money if they successfully escape from a battle. This is configurable by modifying the Penalty Chance parameter. Setting this parameter to 0% effectively disables all chance of a penalty occurring.

You can control how much money is lost when an escape attempt succeeds. By default, the party can lose from 1% up to 5% of their current monetary holdings. This is configurable by modifying the Penalty Seed parameter. The lowest percent loss will always be 1% so changing this parameter adjusts the upper limit of how much money can potentially be lost in a successful escape attempt.

All other parameters in the plugin are used to control what the message to the player will appear as when the penalty is applied.

Screen Shots:




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